A $120 million renovation and facelift to New York’s most premier building. This project consists of an entire new curtain wall at the 3 story pedestal encompassing Fifth Avenue, Madison Avenue, 59th Street and 58th Street.
On the east side of the building an addition was added to Madison Avenue enlarging the building to the property line and thereby creating additional retail space as well as relocating the lobby from Madison Avenue to 59th Street with easy access off Madison using a superbly designed space as a lure for those who enter. The retail space on Madison will house such stores as Bally, Porsche, Kate Spade and others of the same caliber.
On the west side is the infamous GM Plaza totally renovated with new fountain pools, tree pits, stone bench seating and fiber optic lighting within the steps and pools to create a spectacular sense of space on the grandest of all granite stone cladded plazas. The North plaza will continue to produce the popular CBS early show and the South plaza will remain the entry to the infamous FAO Schwarz retail store. The big event is staged within the center as a structurally glazed 32 feet cube will grace the plaza as an entrance to an all new flagship Apple Computer store to be located below within the concourse level. The Glass cube will lead your way to a glass bridge with a glass elevator at its center and a spiraling glass stair surrounding the glass elevator bringing you to a voluminous and spacious state of the art computer and technology retail store. Truly a sight worthy to see.
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